Anleitung für Coaster ist in der Packung enthalten / Diagram for coaster is included in the package.

Anleitung für Coaster ist in der Packung enthalten / Diagram for coaster is included in the package.
Aizu Washi – Hagi
6,40 €
Includes 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 1-2 workdays
Format 15 x 15cm.
The color, pattern and texture of this paper are modeled on traditional Japanese cotton fabrics. The feel is amazingly similar to the model. The back of the paper is colorful – partly harmonious, partly rich in contrast to the front.
The instructions for the coaster are included in the package.
Paper thickness: 78g/m²
Format 15 x 15cm
Sheet 20
Pattern 5
Paper thickness 78g/m²
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