Anleitung für Schachtel ist in der Packung enthalten / Diagram for box is included in the package.

Anleitung für Schachtel ist in der Packung enthalten / Diagram for box is included in the package.
Design Chiyogami – Sun
4,80 €
Includes 19% VAT
Delivery Time: 1-2 workdays
Format 15 x 15cm
A pleasant paper in standard quality. Both the printed front side and the unprinted reverse side have a smooth surface. The cheerful pattern is contained in two colors, 15 of each color. Also included is a diagram for a box and a stick holder. The back is white.
Paper thickness: 65g / m²
Format 15 x 15cm
Sheet 30
Colors 2
Paper thickness 65g/m² |
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