This book is not just for friends of complex origami, but also for less experienced folders. Based on a 5-star scale, two models are marked with one star, five models with two stars, nine models with three stars, eight models with four stars and four models with five stars.
On 270 pages Yamaguchi presents four models of his own, as well as 24 other models by well-known authors such as Sipho Mabona, Roman Diaz, Takashi Hojyo, Ronal Koh, Fumiaki Kawahata, Seiji Nishikawa and others. The following models are shown: insects, dogs, beetles, birds, owls, mythical creatures, the Swiss Army Knife by Jun Maekawa, the “Reader” of Hermann van Goubergen, the skeleton of the Tyrannosaurus Rex by Issei Yoshino, a “Rose Crane” by Satoshi Kamiya and many more. Photos of all models are shown on the first 24 pages.
Difficulty level: easy to super complex