
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Hrsg.


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Most people fold with paper, but Prof. Fiebig folds with steel. So it seems at least, if you see his monumental sculpture “Cumulus” in front of the shopping center “Arcade” in Regensburg. This sculpture is reminiscent of Thoki Yenn’s “Magic Rings”.

Professor Fiebig was a guest speaker during the Freisinger Origami meeting in 2006. We are pleased to be able to offer you here his extensive monograph published by the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, which provides a comprehensive insight into his diverse and exciting work.

Additional information

Weight 2,800 kg
Dimensions 28 × 23 × 4,5 cm

Published 1996


Format 23 x 28cm
Pages 542

ISBN 3-89322-866-7

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